Dynamixel AX-12
1 x Monocular High Resolution Camera module 1080×720
Far Field Echo cancelled Microphones
Speaker Sets 1.5W, 4Ohm Speaker drive
Capacitive Touch Sensor AT42QT2120
6-DOF MPU9250
1.5 mm dia
Lithium Ion Battery Packs 3200 mAh. 11.1V each
12V, 10A SMPS
-5- 70 degrees Celsius
400mm x 400mm x 200mm
3-D Printed PLA/ABS
Set of Daisy Chain UART Motor Connectors
M3/M2.5/M2 assorted
3-D Printing, Moulding
Sirena Module (CPU Board, Power I/O Board)
Motor Driver Shield (L298N Based)
I2C SHARP Distance Sensors
Time of Flight Distance Sensor
Generic I2C Sensors and Actuators
Sirena Studio, C#, Android, Python, MATLAB, VREP, TensorFlow
Sirena Technologies Pvt. Ltd., 4th Floor, Tower D, Diamond District Office Buildings, Old Airport Road, Domlur, Bengaluru – 560 008
+91 80 4130 8885